Gomiam (Small Scale Gold Mining in the Amazon) is one of the CoCooN-projects of NWO-WOTRO Science for Global Development.
Gomiam researches social conflicts around small-scale gold mining and cross-bordering problems, such as smuggling gold and environmental polution in the Amazon in order to develop a regional knowledge base on small-scale gold mining, policy development and a dialogue between miners, NGOs and politicians. Conflict and Cooperation over Natural Resources in Developing Countries (CoCooN) aims to build up evidence-based knowledge about the causes and dynamics of conflicts over natural resources such as land, water, timber and minerals. The research projects that are funded under this programme are built up around a continuous, iterative process of generating knowledge, research and innovation. The projects aim to contribute to the development of policy and practice in the field of natural resources management that enhance conflict resolution and that promote opportunities for innovation and cooperation. CoCooN’s ultimate goal is to contribute to sustainable development and poverty reduction.