2011 Salman, Ton and Marjo de Theije, Introduction, In: Local Battles, Global Stakes. The Globalization of Local Conflicts and the Localization of Global Interests. Ton Salman and Marjo de Theije (eds), Amsterdam: VU Uitgeverij. Pp. 7-17.

2011 Salman, Ton and Marjo de Theije (eds.), Local Battles, Global Stakes. The Globalization of Local Conflicts and the Localization of Global Interests. Amsterdam: VU Uitgeverij.

2009 Theije, Marjo de, Reading the city religious: Urban transformations and social reconstruction in Recife, Brazil. In: When God comes to town. Religious Traditions in Urban Contexts. Rik Pinxten and Lisa Dikomitis (eds.) Culture and Politics/Politics and Culture, Volume 4.  Oxford: Berghahn. Pp. 97-113.

2008 Theije, Marjo de and Cecília Loreto Mariz, Localizing and globalizing processes in Brazilian Catholicism: comparing inculturation in Liberationist and Charismatic Catholic cultures. Latin American Research Review 43, 1, p. 33-54.

2008 Theije, Marjo de,  Ouro e Deus: sobre a relação entre prosperidade, moralidade e religião no garimpo de Suriname. Religião e Sociedade, 28, 1, p. 69-83.

​​2008 Theije, Marjo de, Migration and Religious Transnationalism: Recent Research and the Case of the Brazilians in Suriname. In: Brazil and the Americas. Convergence and Perspectives. Peter Birle, et al. (eds.)  Madrid / Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana / Vervuert Verlag. Pp. 151-170

​2004 Theije, Marjo de,  “A Caminhada do Louvor”: como carismáticos e grupos católicos da base vem se relacionando na prática. Religião e Sociedade 24(2):37-45.

2003 Theije, Marjo de, Gênero de aparições marianas no Brasil contemporâneo. In: Maria entre os vivos Reflexões teóricas e etnografias sobre aparições marianas no Brasil. Carlos Steil, Mariz CL, and Reesink ML, (eds). Porto Alegre: NER / UFRGS Editora. Pp 37-49.

2002 Theije, Marjo de and Tito Medeiros, Apresentação : Religião , gênero e saúde. Revista AntHropológicas vol. 13, 1, p. 1-7.

2002 Theije, Marjo de, “São metade macho, metade fémea.” Sobre a identidade de gênero dos homens católicos. Revista AntHropológicas vol. 13, 1, p. 47-56.

2002 Theije, Marjo de, Tudo o que é de Deus é bom. Uma antropologia do catolicismo liberacionista em Garanhuns, Brasil. Recife: Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Editora Massangana.

​1999 Theije, Marjo de, Cebs and Catholic Charismatics in Brazil. In: Smith C, and Prokopy J, editors. Latin American Religion in Motion. New York & London: Routledge. Pp. 111-124.

1999 Theije, Marjo de. All that is God’s is good. An anthropology of liberationist Catholicism in Garanhuns, Brazil. Utrecht: CERES.

1998 Theije, Marjo de, Charismatic Renewal and Base Communities: The Religious Participation of Women in a Brazilian Parish. In: Boudewijnse B, Droogers A, and Kamsteeg F, editors. More Than Opium: An Anthropological Approach to Latin American and Caribbean Pentecostal Praxis. Lanham, Md., & London: The Scarecrow Press. p 225-248.

1994 Theije, Marjo de and Sjef Vissers (red), Betekenis en macht in pelgrimages. Themanummer Antropologische Verkenningen 13(1).

1994 Theije, Marjo de, Variaties op een heilige: Een katholieke bedevaart in Brazilië. Antropologische Verkenningen 13(1):35-52.

1992 Theije, Marjo de and Cecília Loreto Mariz, De heilige van het volk: katholicisme in Noordoost Brazilië. Dewulf, Geert, Göran Kattenberg & Marianne de Laet (red.), Promotieonderzoek aan de Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen: constructie, interpretatie of causale verklaring? Utrecht: ISOR, RUU. Pp. 179-201.

1991 Mariz, Cecília and Marjo de Theije, A santa do povo: o catolicismo dos leigos no Santuário de Santa Quitéria. Comunicações do ISER 10(41): 42-57

1991 Theije, Marjo de, Brotherhoods throw more weight around than the pope: Catholic traditionalism and the lay brotherhoods of Brazil. In: André F. Droogers, Gerrit Huizer and Hans Siebers (eds.), Popular Power in Latin American Religions. Nijmegen Studies in Development and Cultural Change, vol. 6. Saarbrücken/Fort Lauderdale: Breitenbach. pp. 106-127. [reprint of 1990]

1991 Theije, Marjo de, Diversidade e unidade no catolicismo numa cidade do interior de Pernambuco: notas de pesquisa do campo. In: Perry Scott (org.), Anais da IIa reunião de antropólogos do norte e do nordeste. Recife: UFPE / CNPq / FINEP-ABA. Pp. 285-288.

1990 Theije, Marjo de, Brotherhoods Throw More Weight Around than the Pope: Catholic Traditionalism and the Lay Brotherhoods of Brazil. Sociological Analysis 51(2):189-204.

​1990 Theije, Marjo de, De broederschappen in São João del-Rei: de katholieke lekenverenigingen en de clerus in een Braziliaanse stad. Focaal (Themanummer Godsdienst en mensenmacht in Latijns Amerika) 11/12: 32-51.

1986 Hoogbergen, Wim and Marjo de Theije, Surinaamse vrouwen in slavernij. In: Jeske Reijs et al., Vrouwen in de Nederlandse koloniën. Nijmegen: Sun. Jaarboek voor vrouwengeschiedenis: 7. Pp.126-151.